Applications for Servo Amplifiers and Motors
You will get a better idea of how servomotors and amplifiers operate if you see some typical applications. It shows an example of a servomotor used to control a press feed. In this application sheet material is fed into a press where it is cut off to length with a knife blade or sheer. The sheet material may have a logo or other advertisement that must line up registration marks with the cut-off point. In this application the speed and po-sition of the sheet material must be synchronized with the correct cut-off point. The feed-back sensor could be an encoder or resolver that is coupled with a photoelectric sensor to determine the location of the registration mark. An operator panel is provided so that the operator can jog the system for maintenance to the blades, or when loading a new roll of material. The operator panel could also be used to call up parameters for the drive that cor-respond to each type of material that is used. The system could also be integrated with a programmable controller or other type of controller and the operator panel could be used to select the correct cutoff points for each type of material or product that is run.
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